
Who was your valentines?

@FreedBeast219 said in #41:
> Rejecting does feel good. I have done that once.

Fortunately I've never had to do that (I mean, I'm a chess player for Caïssa's sake!), but I imagine it would be awkward if I did.

Was it someone you really didn't like, and you told them "No! Suck my cock... you wish!" (For kids reading, I'm talking about @FreedBeast219's rooster.)
Just for the meme I did that and now every girl thinks that getting me is impossible. I got all unwanted attention and now everyone asks me the same question why I did that. Lastly this happened in class so my friends teased the hell out of me. I used to tease others on this but now tables turned. @AsDaGo
I usually dont like to get into this. As I am a member of very physically strong group and everyone will tease the hell outta you if you are caught like that. My friends would also tease me. Lastly, its more fun watching someone trying to get you rather than getting one am I right?
@FreedBeast219 said in #43:
> Just for the meme I did that and now every girl thinks that getting me is impossible. I got all unwanted attention and now everyone asks me the same question why I did that. Lastly this happened in class so my friends teased the hell out of me. I used to tease others on this but now tables turned. @AsDaGo

I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't asking why you did that (indeed, I would absolutely reject someone myself if I had to--I'm not interested in any romantic partner), I'm just saying I imagine it would be a rather uncomfortable and awkward experience to have to reject someone if you don't want to hurt their feelings. Unless, as I said, you really hate them!

@FreedBeast219 said in #44:
> I usually dont like to get into this. As I am a member of very physically strong group and everyone will tease the hell outta you if you are caught like that. My friends would also tease me.

Huh. Not sure I really understood that. I imagine that in theory, if you're strong, you're probably more attractive and would have to reject more often, and probably would get teased less?

> Lastly, its more fun watching someone trying to get you rather than getting one am I right?

Neither sound particularly enjoyable to me, though I agree I would choose the former over the latter.
I will get teased because my friends dont see the situation. They will see that any one ask me out they think I agree but in reality I didnt. I get teased that I am involved in this kind of things. The one time I rejected I still get teased to this day. That rejection happened 2 yrs ago.
I received a very heartfelt card through the post, it read:

You are handsome, you are great, you are me,
let's celebrate !. lol :).

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