
What is the meaning of life

To experience feelings and live through every life that ever existed.

(second reason is from egg theory by andy weir)
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!
the meaning of life is to have go to school have fun and have kids
The meaning of life is to raise unicorns and send them into war and kill the entire population then take thanos’s infinity gauntlet and make everything disappear. And eat tacos
To be thibaults friend, despite him being a robot
Seems it's almost certainly subjective. You can pick some objective goal to derive meaning from. I'm not convinced there is any greater "meaning" from on high, but plenty of folks turn to religion to explain the unknown and to find "purpose" or "meaning." "Humanism," in its many forms, works for some. "Improve life for all, explore the stars, perpetuate the species for the species's sake." Or, on a more primal level, it's merely to pass on your own ideals, genetics, etc with less concern for the rest. Accumulate wealth, secure your own, the rest be damned. I'm not convinced wanton avarice is the best path forward, loosely being some sort of "humanist" myself, but it's no less valid a "meaning" than any other in the "grand scheme" sense.
@lokomis said in #8:
> Seems it's almost certainly subjective. You can pick some objective goal to derive meaning from. I'm not convinced there is any greater "meaning" from on high, but plenty of folks turn to religion to explain the unknown and to find "purpose" or "meaning." "Humanism," in its many forms, works for some. "Improve life for all, explore the stars, perpetuate the species for the species's sake." Or, on a more primal level, it's merely to pass on your own ideals, genetics, etc with less concern for the rest. Accumulate wealth, secure your own, the rest be damned. I'm not convinced wanton avarice is the best path forward, loosely being some sort of "humanist" myself, but it's no less valid a "meaning" than any other in the "grand scheme" sense.
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