
Rogess = Chess with Rogue-like combat

I don't like the "missing." Chess is a zero-luck game. There is no probability involved. To me that's a fundamental part of chess and taking that bit away takes chess, or rogess, to a different category of game. Without the "miss" feature I think it's a great variant
Indeed, I just missed black king several times while pretty much every attack against my king hit. Heck black s ninja king came for my white king and he s kicked his ass for 5 hp while my poor little white king missed, like most pieces. Even though I have generally mated that black ninja king several times I have still lost the game. I wonder if this game isn t rasist in a sense that blacks king gets evasion and defensive advantage.
Agreed, the miss part is a part I'm not a fan of.
Just remove the "misses" and you got yourself a solid strategy game.

I've been thinking of making a game like this. Never got around to it but the concept is pretty much this game with additional different pieces to choose from.
Pawns need to do more damage... they are so useless in this variant. They deal max 1 damage and they miss constantly, it's a waste of time to try and attack with these. Pawn needs a buff
This is an interesting game. However, it definitely could do with variants. I'll name a few variables that can be changed to make it more fun in my opinion.

1) Missing is not a thing anymore. 100% accuracy.

2) The "random damage" between 0 & total hitpoints could just be set to the following instead:
Pawn = 1 (En Passant = 3)
Bishop / Knight = 2
Rook = 3
Queen = 4
King = 999 (King can 1 shot anything in attack range)

3) Hit points changed to:
Pawn = 3 (They should be a little higher HP but still almost no attack. It will keep pawns on the board longer instead of always 1 shotted.)
Bishop / Knight = 3 same
Rook = 5 same
Queen = 9 Same
King = 10 uncastled 20 if have castled

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