
Breaking the Silence

@bfchessguy said in #910:
> (sic)
> Are you the victim?
> If the answer is yes well then hire a lawyer and get back to me after professional advice.
> If the answer is no why do you feel threatened by me? lol

Ok, I am back from the lawyer and yes, I do feel threatened by you and all those with a deficit in their reading comprehension who are not willing to do anything about it like going back to school.
@Artem-Kozirev said in #911:
> Ok, I am back from the lawyer and yes, I do feel threatened by you and all those with a deficit in their reading comprehension who are not willing to do anything about it like going back to school.

Was the bill expensive?

I guess it is a teleworking lawyer. lol

P.S. I'll forward the message to my boss, 'cause looks like you know me better than we - my boss and I - both do.
@hrehrehre said in #106:
> I didn't know you had to give an entity money to criticize it.

I think the only thing ButterPecan meant is that you know what to freely do if you're not happy. ;-)
@Deadban said in #129:
> A: Someone has kissed me against my will.
> B: Show me scientific proof of that!

Sadly, things are not as easy than what CSI TV Shows want us to think. ;-)
@DmitriiPrevozniuk said in #131:
> @Deadban
> Yep, infortunately you can't accuse random people of stuff that cant be proven. What a shame tho

Like accusing a country of harboring too many neo-Nazis so you could start a special operation?
@QueenRosieMary said in #154:
> Of course, they closed this new account only minutes after sending me the offending message, so reporting it will probably be pointless. It's not just the account that needs to get banned but the person behind all the accounts. I fully expect him to reappear, yet again, and continue this harassment, it's just a matter of time. It's just something you come to expect as a female, sadly.

I know this too well. This is a bullying/harassing tool not exclusively for bigots and misogynists, believe me.
@InfiniteFlash said in #158:
> What I do hope is that some kind of lawsuit is filed against offenders and justice is served. I don't know why any of the victims are talking on Twitter about the allegations many months later without a proper suit. Is the goal here to gather more support or more victims who are closeted currently?
> [...]

After reading a couple of hundreds of posts in that thread I am starting to figure out why someone is not reporting it to Police Services. If the sample of players here is somehow like what a sample of cops would be I can understand.
If the allegations were made as mentioned in the article, they deserve a proper investigation by the police. Unless I misunderstood something and LiChess actually is a law enforcement authority, I find it totally inappropriate that LiChess gets involved in this.
@Bulletkrieg said in #336:
> Men are pressured into being 6 feet tall.. smart.. jacked.. wealthy.. a combination of traits that goes against the laws of physics.
> Both men and women are targets of the big propaganda machine which wants to perpetuate our misery to sell us snake oils (like surgeries, steroids, and all sorts of useless shit.)
> Thinking that this is only an issue for women is part of the problem. We are in this together against governments, Hollywood, the rotting media, the porn industry, etc, etc. The enemy is everywhere and much stronger, thus we need to fight it together rather than fall into their divide-and-conquer strategy and end up saying shit like "women are oppressed and pressured by men" or "women's issues don't exist."

Dude, on which planet are you living?

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