
Breaking the Silence

@jns0808 said in #53:
> That's the whole point, the cheating inherently falls within the domain of the tournament's organiser. SA falls into the domain of the police.

Oh boy. Can you imagine an organisation making that defence?

"It's not our jobs to make sure the children we have at our chess camps are safe from the sexual predators we employ. That's the police's job".

That would be very funny.
Whoever wrote this report put a hell of a lot of work into it...
A very good piece of writing whoever it was (or they were)
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@royalcordova said in #63:
> What they are bound by is legal liability for slander and libel.
> That's why the "secret sanctioning" of Gareyev was the best option.
> If they publically condemned him, they would open themselves up to litigation - so likely under the advise of counsel, they decided to do it quietly.
> The Johnny Depp trial in particular likely had a chilling effect on this kind of thing for many Organizations.
> Nobody has issues with banning or sanctioning sexual assaulters or cheaters.
> They have issues with banning based only on accusations. There needs to be solid evidence.
> Imagine if USCF or FIDE decided to ban Hans Neimann solely because of Magnus Carlsen's accusations - million dollar lawsuit waiting to happen.
> Instead Hans might actually have grounds to sue Magnus for defamation.

Why do you assume that Gareyev and Ramirez were suspended without evidence? Why is the assumption always that simply accusing someone is enough? Remirez had been being accused for fkn years for christ's sake. If mere accusation was enough then he'd have been gone long ago.
If the USCF is anything like the ECF, suspending players from playing in local events might be considerably non-trivial, because the federation only finds out that a player's been playing there when the event is sent off for rating.

(On the other hand, picking coaches for the Olympiad squads and other such things is well within their sphere of influence, and Ramirez should not have been anywhere near such a role once serious accusations had been made about him.)
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Ahh, when you have a heated debate... and then suddenly change your mind and remove all your own posts. Amusing. :)
I believe with Jennifer Shahade against Ramirez but I struggle to believe with the other thing against Gareyev. Most sexually abused women do not make immediate reports because they freeze and/or try to rationalize (even though they absolutely are 100% the victim, don't get me wrong) or take responsibility or just are undecided in their actions. Some people in the chat are saying to leave politics and drama out of chess but the thing is sexual abuse is something extremely difficult to verify or falsify in general and thus a justice system has a chance of not finding much important stuff

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