
Engine can't find the win!!

Horizon effect at work here I guess. 24. Nxf8 Rxf8 25. Qg5+ Kc8 26. Qe7 Rh8 is a win as well; yeah, nice man.
Honestly though, I feel as though this position would be so much more exciting without engines being a thing. There would be like a new line every week, each one refuting another one which was believed to be the best one. Not to say this position isn't amazing, I just think it would be so much fun to have strong players refuting each other's idea in a crazy position like this.
Those were the shortest 23 minutes of my life. Thanks.

It's nice to use the engine to go deeper in the position as opposed to people who would just trust the first main line that the engine comes up with and stop thinking.

Oh, you little pawn in your own measly little universe.

Nobody knew you existed. All the usual kiebitzers looking for mate, material gain, winning attacks and what not. Thirsty for blood.
But you knew.

Sitting there, insignificantly, just keeping the road open for the heavy artillery to infiltrate white's stronghold. Almost in the way.
But you knew.

Supercomputers overheating in a race to get to the truth the fastest. Hysterical operators panicking.
But you knew.

When the din of arms subsided you were still there. Nobody paid any attention to you. Quietly sitting on a7. Patiently waiting your turn.
Cause you knew.

It all came down to you.
It always came down to you.

I have to admit I haven't checked it so much(I am checking some other positions right now) though I know it would be a worthy excercise. I just like the principle in it - even with engines nothing is definite and I kind of like that.
Kind of weird my stockfish 8 solve time varied every time (5 mins, 1, 2, 10, 3).

I let Komodo 10.1 64 run for 23 mins and it didn't find Nc4. (i5 at 4.4 ghz)

{[#]} {Stockfish 8 64:} 20... Nc4 21. bxc4 b3 22. c3 b2 23. Bxf5 exf5 24. c5
Rxh2 25. Rhe1 Rb3 26. Be3 Rxc3 27. Qxb2 Rb3 28. Rd2 Be7 29. Rg1 Rxb2+ 30. Rxb2
Qd3+ 31. Ka2 Qa6+ 32. Kb1 Rg2 33. Rxg2 Qf1+ 34. Kc2 Qxg2 35. Nf4 Qe4+ 36. Kc3
g5 37. Nd3 f4 38. Rb8+ Kd7 39. Rb7+ Ke6 40. Bd2 a5 41. Ra7 Bd8 42. Ra8 Kd7 43.
Ra7+ Bc7 44. Ra8 Qe2 45. Kc2 g4 46. Kc3 g3 {[%eval -206,40]} *

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