
Lichess coaches

IM Baidetskyi_Valentin Lichess coach picture

IM Valentin Baidetskyi

Champions are not born. They are made🥇🏆

LocationVienna Austria
Languagesрусский язык, English (US), Deutsch, українська
RatingFIDE: 25252777
Hourly rate35 usd - 1 hour, 300 usd - 10 hours.
GM febloh Lichess coach picture

GM Felix Blohberger

Hi! I´m 21-year-old Felix Blohberger from Austria. I became a Grandmaster last year and now I want to help other people achieve their chess goals.

Location Austria
LanguagesEnglish (US), Deutsch
Hourly rate70€
IM VojskaRS Lichess coach picture

IM Radoslaw Gajek

OCCASION ! lessons with IM 2450 + at attractive prices , full time coach !

LocationGrudziadz, Poland Austria
LanguagesDeutsch, Polski, English (US), русский язык, Српски језик
RatingFIDE: 24622753
Hourly rate1h- 25 USD, 5h-9h 20USD/h , 10h-19h15 USD/h , 20h- more 12,50 USD/h , deposit -5 USD 1 USD= 4 PLN , trial lessons max.2h on basic rate
IM Mikhail_Belous Lichess coach picture

IM Misha Bilous

Want to improve your rankings in chess or just beat all of your friends? That's the place to be!

LocationOriginally from Ukraine, based in Vienna Austria
LanguagesEnglish (US), українська, Deutsch
RatingFIDE: 242326422544
Hourly ratePlease contact me for rates
GM CyrilMarcelin Lichess coach picture

GM Cyril Marcelin

A motivated coach looking for motivated students!

LocationKössen Austria
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US), Français
RatingFIDE: 245226412631
Hourly rate50€/h, possibility to play training games too
IM spacejunkie72 Lichess coach picture

IM Siegfried Baumegger

"Without error there can be no brillancy." Emanuel Lasker, 2nd World Champion

LocationWienersdorf Austria
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 241825402503
Hourly rate40 € / $
FM MostbauerFlo Lichess coach picture

FM Florian Mostbauer

Bei mir lernst du alles ein bisschen, über Endspiele aber immer gerne ein bisschen mehr ;)

Location Austria
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 23032336
Hourly rate45€ pro 60min; Bei Blockbuchungen (zb. Doppelstunden) oder geringem Vorbereitungsaufwand wirds günstiger
NM taulajoe Lichess coach picture

NM Bernhard Mayr

Trust Yourself - trust Your position - focus on positional assets and liabilities more than calculating moves!

LocationSchwaz Austria
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
Hourly rate20 Euro