
77th Rapid League - March 11th (Monday) - All team pairings

77th Rapid League 1:
The Volga Team - Поволжье, France-Deutschland Group, Академия Шахмат, Chessmaste & Friends, Спарта VK, Fundacja Mistrzostwa Szachowego, 50+ Satranç Oyuncuları, Andromeda_Pierre, ŠK Borča, Kobra-11

77th Rapid League 2:
Торпедо Москва, SK Zmaj, Шахматная Галактика, БЕЛГОРОД – Мыслитель, Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringe, عظماء حوران, Rostelecom 2022, LiveChess, Svijet šaha, Ингрия

77th Rapid League 3A:
PPDG, Trainingslager, Gravitation Falls ;), IOTEH Iron Rook, EUSKAL HERRIA - COMBINADO VASCO NAVARRO ON LINE, === ChessProgress ===, Шахматисты г. Туймазы РБ, Tuapse_chess, Chess Jaalakam, THINK

77th Rapid League 3B:
Чебоксары, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, فرسان الكوماندوز, آکادمی شطرنج سپهر, Экосистема СБ, AJEDREZ " LAS HIGUERAS ", Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung, QCM kotrana, • Chess Academy Community •, Chess Poland -

77th Rapid League 3C:
Атлантида, 50+ Seconders, Torneos Blitz de 5 + 3, Deutscher Schachbund e.V. (offen), Team Around Joutsa, ДРУЖЕСКИЕ ТУРНИРЫ ПО ШАХМАТАМ, الفريق السوري للشطرنج, Царское Село, SV 1892 Schwarzheide e.V., SG NARVA Berlin e.V. Abteilung Schach

77th Rapid League 4A:
Шахматный клуб "Краснодар", The Chess Lounge, فريق المحاربين, Taiz Stars Chess, The Speed Pawns Crew, Noggeteers, SS Seniorerna Uppsala, Urania Chess Team, Swiss Empire, Better Chess Academy

77th Rapid League 4B:
United Rapid Team of Classical Players, Liga gold team, СHESS_BLR, Team 23 Bergisch-Land, Металлург, ChessRevolution , Schachfreunde Kelkheim, Check Mates Team, TEAM COLOMBIA RAPIDAS, SIMBA trainers

76th Rapid League 4C:
Szachy Bielsko, МенаКлубШахмат, Lichess4545 League, Мордовия, คll fr໐๓ ēคrth, PRO-CP, Клуб шахматистов-победителей, Шахматная школа EdvaE4, The Arab Team, Moksleivių šachmatų klubas

77th Rapid League 5A:
Нахабинский шахматный клуб, Alfil junior, Elite Chess Players' Union , Colegas de Kike, Schack 08, red_face_palm & Friends, Satranc Club 2000, Karşıyaka Satranç Kulübü, ШК "Дебют" г. Марьина Горка, All hands, no brains

77th Rapid League 5B:
В поисках пата, InChess Club, Chessstarsz group, Vodafone, Gladium, ILS-Rapid Team, TigersRoges, Club de ajedrez El Provencio, KnightTrader, Север

77th Rapid League 5C:
RoyalRacer Fans, Шахматная Школа No1, Railway workers, Horsey, chessmasters :) winners, ШШК "Зарайская ладья", Dansk Skak Union, Chessmania (SPb), H4 London Enjoyers, karşıyaka satranç topluluğu

77th Rapid League 6A:
England Women, Петрозаводск, Stamatis3 funny club!!!, Four Pawns, Северная звезда, Champion Chessplayers Elite, friends groysmester, Gang Schachmatt TV

77th Rapid League 6B:
KAHRAMAN, Study Group One, Ход Королевы (СФР), Ernest 2013, Ajedrez Blanco y Negro, Lionel Messi Fans, World Chess Lovers , Syams'n and friends

77th Rapid League 6C:
İZBİLİM KOLEJİ, Che947 and friends, cheesfrance, Lllllloyd chess club, FALCONF7 CLUB, Başımın acei, The Best Team Of Chess In The World, AndreyChampion & Friends

77th Rapid League 7A:
"Chess is LIFE" NEW, The great sport of chess, Tifboiz, Chess Champions (Never Give Up), Artist atomic, Gleb_Momot & friends, Армагеддон, Study Creators & Friends

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