
Search "user:lumenial"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: option to change the time control category of the front page's featured game#1

The front page includes an on-going game, played by the highest rated players currently online. This game is often a bullet (1+0). I would like to be able to change the time control (or the variant) o…

Community Blog Discussions - Win a chessboard signed by Magnus Carlsen#49

@gradychess said in #48: > I don't get why my submission says it's false for day 5... If you move bishop to h7, it won't guard the e8 square. So when white checks with Qg7+, black king can move to e8 …

Lichess Feedback - Feature to hide resign button?#6

With uBlock Origin you can hide any visual element from any website.

Lichess Feedback - Bug -- list of drawn games shows games lost to Stockfish#1

See the list of my drawn games; There are some games listed where I lost to Stockfish. Also one instance where I lost to Anonymous.

Lichess Feedback - [SUGGESTION] Option to disable in-game chat completely#5

@Dollyfroggy said in #4: Because if they have typed in something while I'm not aware of it, I don't want to appear rude by not answering them. Better just let them know that I'm not capable of replyin…

Lichess Feedback - [SUGGESTION] Option to disable in-game chat completely#1

This is a re-post from 2+ years ago: Back then, at least 14 users agreed with my suggestion. I would sti…

Lichess Feedback - [SUGGESTION] Option to disable in-game chat completely#1

I have made a post about this before, but I believe this would be a feature which many would enjoy having. This is a feature on, and I would really like having it here as well. I am aware of…
