
What is your opinion of the Gods?

It's all a racket. How many "holy men" have you seen with calluses on their hands?
@WassimBerbar said in #6:
> Pure monotheism is the only truth. There can't be more than one God. If they were multiple, they would fight for power, therefore they aren't all-powerful.

What if they were utopian socialist gods?
@clousems said in #12:
> What if they were utopian socialist gods?
I swear to God, I don't even understand the question. There's only one being worthy of worship: God (Allah).
What's an utopian socialist full stop?
In the event that there were multiple gods who formed a true utopian socialist collective, the gods wouldn't fight amongst themselves.

They'd also likely sell organic honey from a roadside stand in California and smell really bad
i like those ancient stories. for the stories themselves but also as a reminder of the big pool of gods to choose from. some ppl choose none, some choose one, some choose many. some choose good ones, some choose the dark side. some ppl do god hopping. as long as ppl dont fight other ppl because of different gods its fine i guess.

In a situation you describe as true utopian socialist collective, they wouldn't fight each other, but they would need to rely on each other. They need to share among themselves things like organic honey. They need to be together to work best.

We cannot worship something that needs to rely on others, because worship is total submission. God is all powerful, he doesn't rely on others to help him, and he doesn't need help.
@WassimBerbar said in #6:
> Pure monotheism is the only truth. There can't be more than one God. If they were multiple, they would fight for power, therefore they aren't all-powerful.

But they do, just like humans. Read Theogony.
@WassimBerbar said in #16:
> #14:
> In a situation you describe as true utopian socialist collective, they wouldn't fight each other, but they would need to rely on each other. They need to share among themselves things like organic honey. They need to be together to work best.
> We cannot worship something that needs to rely on others, because worship is total submission. God is all powerful, he doesn't rely on others to help him, and he doesn't need help.


You are applying human logic to the esoteric.
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@clousems said in #18:
> Why?
Because why else would they sell to each other organic honey from a roadside stand in California, like you just said?

God doesn't need anything from us. God doesn't want anything from us except worship.

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