
Favourite football squad

What's your favourite football squad (please mention the formation and player position)
Gimme an L. Crowd responds: L.
Gimme an I. Crowd responds: I.
Gimme a V. Crowd responds: V.

By now it's obvious, so I shan't continue.

There are many good football clubs.

But only one truly great one.
It appears that by suggesting it's "Liverpool" I ended all debate. Which makes perfect sense.
GK Akinfeev

RB Fernandes CB A. Berezutski CB V. Berezutski LB Zhirkov

CM Dzagoev, Oblyakov, Golovin

ST Chalov RW Carrascal LW Vàgner L.
@Frogster64 displays a maple leaf. So he DOES know how to pick a team. (As the Bruins will soon grasp).

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