
Promoting to a bishop?

Here's a Lichess version of the last example in Krabbe's collection, which he called the most interesting one. Promoting to a queen or rook ends in a draw (perpetual check or stalemate), promoting to a bishop appears to be winning.

(Sokolsky - Ravinsky, USSR 1938)

There's an interesting study by Joitsa 1955 where bishop is the only choice:

This study has three underpromotions and a bishop is one of them:

This doesn't really count because it wasn't necessary, but Fabi underpromoted to a bishop a few years ago in the US championship, and it's interesting to hear him talk about it:
@Sarg0n - Are you sure that ́s the right study? Stockfish gives this, no bishop in sight:

1.f7 Rxh6 2.h4+ Kxh4 3.f8=Q
If black plays 2... Kg6 instead, 3. f8Q would be a stalemate if I didn't miss anything. 3. f8B would force Kf7, Kf6 or Kf5 with 4. Bxh6. The resulting position still needs a lot of work but it should be winning for white.

Edit: and Stockfish does see it that way too, you just have to leave it running at least to depth 40 or so.

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