
How to balance school and chess?

Hye, I am a 13 years old boy from India and I am very interested in chess. I am not bad at academics, I maintain between 95-99 percentage regularly. I can play chess atleast 5-6 hours per day but I couldn't do it because of my school work. I only get enough time to play in the vacations. Otherwise I can't play more than 1-2 hours. Can anyone suggest me some good tips to maintain the correct balance between chess and school?
do not play during the morning or very late in the evening. play as soon as you get home from school, 10 blitzes a day or 3 rapid. late at night or early in the morning, do tactics if you have time. I think you will be able to have a very good level while remaining a good student
@CSKA_Moscou said in #2:
> do not play during the morning or very late in the evening. play as soon as you get home from school, 10 blitzes a day or 3 rapid. late at night or early in the morning, do tactics if you have time. I think you will be able to have a very good level while remaining a good student
Москвич, ну что умного ты можешь посоветовать? Отстань от ребёнка.
First, you seem very talented and a good chess player with excellent potential.
But you can’t sacrifice school as that will be very important later.
Perhaps you can organize a chess club at your school which may give you more time to play and learn from others.
I wish you the best of luck!
@Drfellhl said in #3:
> Москвич, ну что умного ты можешь посоветовать? Отстань от ребёнка.

Какие люди! доходит до 2000 Эло и мы снова поговорим ! Пока!
@CSKA_Moscou said in #5:
> Какие люди! доходит до 2000 Эло и мы снова поговорим ! Пока!
Просто отстань от ребёнка.
@Drfellhl said in #6:
> Просто отстань от ребёнка.

Я не пустую говорю, я человек с опытом игры на шахматной доске. Я жду, чтобы увидеть, куда приведет вас ваша мотивация и обучение. по крайней мере я даю совет.

Ну что, желаю тебе успехов и удачи в доске даже если странно почему ты систематически отвечаешь на все, что я пишу?
@CSKA_Moscou said in #7:
> Я не пустую говорю, я человек с опытом игры на шахматной доске. Я жду, чтобы увидеть, куда приведет вас ваша мотивация и обучение. по крайней мере я даю совет.
> Ну что, желаю тебе успехов и удачи в доске даже если странно почему ты систематически отвечаешь на все, что я пишу
На всё?? Москвич, сегодня ты себя особенно переоцениваешь.
Я не хвастаюсь. 2000 рейтинг – символическая веха для многих людей. Я достиг этой цели, и мой цель сейчас — доказать, что, вопреки мнению некоторых, можно обойтись и без тренера.
Family first
School second
Chess maybe third if not more down the list.

I found an eye opening moment when I had been playing several hours every day and analyzing g every one. When I got a tighter schedule I had only a few hours a week if that. When I finished my family and school duties and I spare time for chess I found that what I desired most was not playing all the time. I found if I studied tactics for 30-45 mins a week 3x15 minutes and some rapid games a week or blitz was enough. During this time I increased my rating faster in 4 weeks than all of that game analysis I got caught up with. Not saying that is perfect but here are some ideas to think about.

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