
Search "user:Thunderfinder"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug that makes it so that my Lichess front-end doesn't realise that my opponent has already played.#4

@RaviharaV said in #3: > I think it because lichess server restarting Same here, it had occurred to me once when I am in the middle of the tournament which unfortunately crashed with the server restar…

Game analysis - Brilliantly trapped game ended in a disaster#10

@Shweta_Beniwal said in #7: > I am not so brilliant as you are in chess. Small traps-tactics all matter for me. It was not like "your opponent hung his/her queen", I made my opponent to do that. Well,…

General Chess Discussion - A win by the Tennison Gambit#5

@SD_2709 said in #4: > 8.Bb4 wins back the queen probably I think. Yeah, Black not just win back the queen, and he will be up by a piece. You are lucky that your opponent didn't spot that and opt to r…

General Chess Discussion - Help me understand why this is a puzzle!#6

Ne5 isn't as good as Nxg5, because after Bxe5 and Bxa8, black can move f4 with the threat of Qh5 targeting h2 after fxg3, which isn't easy to defend.

General Chess Discussion - Losing to stockfish#8

@AmMuvArShAnn said in #7: > I know. stock fish level 1 is like 600-800,you should have defeated it. That is the purpose of this challenge as it would be harder to be defeated by it. Everybody can defe…

Game analysis - Draw in atomic#3

At 2nd move Black could have won immediately with Ne4 instead of Ng4.

General Chess Discussion - How is this threefold repetition?#3

At move 47, the position appeared first time and it repeated at move 49 and the third time at move 51. So basically the position repeated 3 times, although not continuously, but it is still considered…

Game analysis - A winning position for my opponent to a beautiful draw by repetition#2

At move 27 instead of gxf6, Black could move Rxg2, and frankly, you are dead.
