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11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess refuses to connect for ~4 minutes#1

Despite full internet connectivity, including streaming video, lichess unable to connect for long enough to forfeit a game by "White left the game". Not sure how to demonstrate this was true, hoping t…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles and Material#6

@sammgus said in #2: > I think your definition of a puzzle is too constraining. A puzzle is simply a sequence of moves each of which is significantly better than the second best alternative. It's not …

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles and Material#1

I always understood lichess puzzles to have the following requirements: 1. There is only one correct move at any time (except for the final move for mate) 2. You are always clearly winning by the end …

Lichess Feedback - Phone App Pre-move Still Costs Time#1

In this game:, I pre-moved 39 ...kc3 more than a second before my opponent's move 39. b6. Despite this, the move cost me almost a third of a second from my clock.…

Lichess Feedback - Minor feature request: have redirect to the page#1

As stated above; the function is called "import" in the page title, even though it's a Having a simple redirect would be very easy, and would allow the more intuitive url to functio…

Lichess Feedback - Broken Puzzle#1

This puzzle's answer is broken: Initially the analysis indicates 45. Rg7 leads to a draw, making the move incorrect. However, after Black makes the only legal move, …

Lichess Feedback - Bug with takeback on lichess android app#1

I was playing a bullet game and blundered a bishop, and to my great surprise my opponent offered a takeback. I accepted, but the app seemed to stutter for a second or so. After this, my opponent didn'…

Lichess Feedback - Why draw ?#3

Same issue here: No clue, something wrong on lichess' end I think

Lichess Feedback - Checkmated game ends as 1/2-1/2?#1

I just finished this bullet game ( which ended in a checkmate, playing on the lichess phone app. I was having some connection issues, and the game didn't seem to end p…

Lichess Feedback - puzzle page#3

Looked like they were testing some beta puzzles setup, just went down for me too.
