
Search "user:Rembrandt16"

189 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is chess engine based on only tactical or positional play or both#4

@Sarg0n i'd say that tactics open the door to the mansion. the mansion doesn't have any lights. positioning are little hints to different rooms(outcomes) and tactics comes in again and they're the lit…

General Chess Discussion - Improve 200 points in less than a month!#1

I was playing a lot of blitz. Doing chesstempo and chessable. I was steadily improving but it was 2 foot forward 1 foot back. Sometimes 3. Work got more hectic. They gave me 7 days work no rest day fo…

General Chess Discussion - Two Really Good Studies I Stumbled Upon#6

@The_Chess_Star_100 you the man.

General Chess Discussion - has anyone seen a position where checkmate move is only the legal move?#2

well if the next move is draw, and you have the option to mate or push a pawn and draw then mate is the only option.

General Chess Discussion - is e4 or d4 is better#24

yall buggin a3 is best.

General Chess Discussion - The Only Chess Game where I did 0 Inaccuracies, 0 Mistakes and 0 Blunders.#26

@AYUBALLENA said in #25: > Wdym? this scenario is a case where it's easier to get 0-0-0. meaning 0 inaccuracies 0 mistakes 0 blunders. not taking from OP's ability to find the right moves. but finding…

General Chess Discussion - The Only Chess Game where I did 0 Inaccuracies, 0 Mistakes and 0 Blunders.#24

@MrPushwood I agree with Push. Well known opening. Easy to memorize. Very forgiving once you get advantage. Plus the enemy had only 1 inaccuracy and 2 blunders. In short games like these, specially st…

Game analysis - Watch me SACRIFICE(blunder) a knight(Tal style) then go rapid fast with initiative to win the game.#5

@Pi_Addict111 wish i had some. no sadly.

Game analysis - Watch me SACRIFICE(blunder) a knight(Tal style) then go rapid fast with initiative to win the game.#3

@MinitoughForm yeah i was listening to music and i was dancin in my chair vibin. then i blundered my knight. bruuuhhh. then i said f it. YOOOLLLOOO. and i proceed to calculate some chance on the left …

Game analysis - Watch me SACRIFICE(blunder) a knight(Tal style) then go rapid fast with initiative to win the game.#1 peep me mising a mate in 1 cus I was so excited and I was thinkin he still had his queen guarding the bishop. lol i thuoght i was a goner. but I had the idea of cleani…
