
Search "user:Raspberry_yoghurt"

2846 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Ronaldo vs Mike Tyson#1

Both are in their prime. 10 rounds, you're not allowed to leave the ring even if you're knocked out. Who wins? What happens?

Off-Topic Discussion - who is Teresa Fidalgo?#8

@The_ThreeChecks said in #1: > I’m sorry I had to send this to you but now that you have opened it you can’t stop reading this. Hi my name is Teresa Fidalgo I died 27 years ago. If you don’t send this…

Off-Topic Discussion - What album had to grow on you before you liked it?#3

David Bowie: Heathen I was disappointed with it when it came out, now it's a Bowie favorite of mine

Off-Topic Discussion - Cryogenics#11

Nah. In 2044 my job might be taken by AI, and why take the chance?

Off-Topic Discussion - A Siege is a WMD#58

@sdkman said in #55: > @Raspberry_yoghurt > Our definition of carpet bombing is different > > It is not about how many die > It is a technique Yeah and israel is…

Off-Topic Discussion - A Siege is a WMD#57

@WassimBerbar said in #56: > DUDE, THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION FOR WHICH POPULATION HAS THE MOST CIVILIAN DEATHS. Stop doing as if only that matters. For me any civilian death is awful no matter who die…

Off-Topic Discussion - A Siege is a WMD#53

@WassimBerbar said in #52: > Wrong. How do you explain extreme racism of the Jews towards the Palestinians? Zionists right now is trying to get rid of all Palestinians by carpet bombin Oh are they "ca…

Off-Topic Discussion - A Siege is a WMD#51

@WassimBerbar said in #47: > and that 20000 isn't a genocide but 38000 isn't). Again you can't read. I called the bombing og Hamburg CARPET BOMBING Your brain then cannot read and then removed CARPEN …

Off-Topic Discussion - A Siege is a WMD#50

@WassimBerbar said in #47: > I don't care, it stays Mass Destruction. You not caring about civilians dying because of Zionists isn't my fault. Well yeah that's what I say. You're saying bs and you don…

Off-Topic Discussion - A Siege is a WMD#46

@WassimBerbar said in #45: > In a normal case scenario where the coloniser doesn't kill innocents. In this case, thee coloniseer does kill innocents, by thousands. Therefore it's not a siege, it's a W…
