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156 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Graph colors#4

I am color blind to red, green, brown and pink shades. I can see basic colors but using red and green could be seen the same as one color to me. So maybe.... Red Yellow Blue Black Grey White

General Chess Discussion - Opening Advice - Club Game#16

@mkubecek said in #4: > I wonder if this obsession with fancy openings is a general online thing or if it's specific to lichess. > > When I started playing on lichess after a long pause from chess, it…

General Chess Discussion - How to punish copycats in chess?#17

Queens gambit

General Chess Discussion - I discovered a new opening - The Rhino Gambit!#6

Black offers the d pawn to d5 and this balances out the game. Anywho these games are fun.

General Chess Discussion - I’m sad#3

@ChrisC5MB said in #2: > POR ?

General Chess Discussion - I’m sad#1

I’ve spent years learning this game. Now I am learning unless I play OTB or online games that I will face fierce opponents! But I must beware, taking anyone lightly can cost a loss. But who cares at a…

Lichess Feedback - Graph colors#1

I’m color blind and reading the graphs for ratings is impossible. I know I can click on a point in time but this still could be altered in my opinion. Thank you for your care.

General Chess Discussion - how do you approach 5+3 games?#6

I put most of my work into 10/5 and 15/10 so 5/3 is more to waste time and have fun. If I need to think one to two times deeply it allows that. My thought on the increment is to have the option to thi…

General Chess Discussion - Chess books for 1900+ (OTB) players#7

I would opt for the 100 positions you must know first. I’ve had Silman’s Complete Endgame course for over 10 years and half way through. Although I use a lot of the principles in most of my games it a…

General Chess Discussion - What happened to Fischer in 1956?#7

He learned Russian and studied their books. That is one thing I know. He would read a book every morning at a restaurant as well.
