
Tactic trainer tournament?

Is it possible to created a puzzle tournament? Is tactic trainer supposed to match your rating? Is 2070 bad?
That would be pretty interesting. I think like all ratings, it is only a comparison to others within the tactics trainer pool. Given how the system works on lichess, you could spend an hour working on every puzzle and eventually get an enormous rating but that wouldn't necessarily match your bullet/blitz rating.
I wish would give value to how fast you solve the puzzle. Also, I wish they would state the average time for people to solve that puzzle.
Well, you are awarded more points the faster you solve it but that time is capped at 300 seconds.

From a learning perspective solving puzzles against time is pointless. I try to force my self to the "Don't move until you see it!" rule but I often just lack patience and play on intuition. However, I am happy they don't show time statistics for puzzles or countdown timers, too distracting for me.

Of course if you play only for rating purposes then that does not apply.
Describe how you would like to see a puzzle tournament.
Puzzle are solved within 300 seconds. The time it took you to solve the puzzle is indicated in a list below your screen. I cannot see the ones you failed, but you can. Does it really matter if you can solve a puzzle faster than your opponent? A puzzle tournament is more solving than speed.

As for the 2070 puzzle rating, I would say that player would be a "Puzzle Solving Expert", but the title does not exist. Compare the rating in a WCSC standings list to get an idea of its strength.

I believe a chess player that maintains a rating above 2000 in puzzles has a good chance to becoming an expert in standard games. It all depends on the rated puzzles that are solve. In slow chess games my moves are paced between 2 to 3 minutes per move. I aim to solve puzzles at the same speed I play slow games.

Search the web for a handbook for chess compositions and you might find what you need to know like, competition rules for solving chess problems.
The tournament could either be timed like a 10 minute tournament. Solving is +1 failing is -1 most solved puzzles wins or it could be heads up like a normal tournament. The puzzle would be loaded on 2 players boards first to solve it wins one point...1st to fail it loses. Tournament could either be 1st player to so many points or timed. In the heads up version it would be cool if it would show your board and your opponents board (same puzzle loaded). That way you can see if they start solving the puzzle and you could try to beat them to the punch or you could just watch them solve it and cry.

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