
Tell me who still cannot perfectly checkmate with bishop and knight

Myself, sadly. Forming the wall with knight and bishop is challenging for me. Till the time I get them in place, the king runs!
It's Endgame 93 in 100 Endgames You Must Know and I'm only up to 40 so far, so no.
In my opinion, the "wall" technique that Lichess teaches is not the easiest way to understand the bishop and knight mate. I tried it that way and had a lot of trouble doing it.

The way I found that was much easier to understand is the way Ben Finegold describes it in this video. Yasser Seirawan also teaches it in "Winning Chess Endings". Chase the king to the edge of the board, and then you can force him into the correct corner. It still takes a bit of practice though.
I can remember only one game where I had only king, knight and bishop against king till now. It was a blitz game and we both had 10 secs and I flagged my opponent.
@Mees20 said in #2:
> Have you heard about the W trick?
The difficult part is bringing the king to a corner.
Me. I know the basics, but i dont practice it at all.
@pigeonpal: you're probably right about that 'wall' technique, i also couldn't make much of it. I already had a little practice on the technique Ben Finegold uses, and I find it easier to remember.
I played chess around FIDE Elo 1800-1900 for 2 decades. I cannot do it and never needed it.

Imho your time is better invested in learning something more useful (i.e. rook endgames) instead.

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