
space poll

if you were given the chance to go to mars and live there forever, would you go??
horsey = YES!! no matter what I would go
thumbs up = yes if my family was also going
thinking = no
<Comment deleted by user>
like if nasa set up a space base idk.
so you wouldn't die
I would really like to see Mars, the current traveling conditions en route with Spacex, 4 months ship bound in zero gravity, will be extremely harsh.
knight 04 , look up mars cave systems to avoid surface radiation
also scans have indicated a vast underground frozen lake , although at present i do not know if it is water
, however if it is you can possibly use it as a source of oxygen i aint no chemist but water is one part oxygen isnt it
Because of the uniquely dangerous environment where every individual will have the hands of many or possibly all others lives depending upon their knowledge and resourcefulness all individuals will need to be screened for traits such as Intelligence , Stability , Courage , ect.

Space environments will force an upgrade of the general population ( at least for the foreseeable future ) , so I must disqualify myself for reasons of poor health.
I wouldn't go because it takes 20 minutes to exchange information to earth so I could never play on lichess again.

And also because life would be so dull compared to all the different things you can do on planet earth.

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