
How to find my old posts in the forum ?

i found some of your old posts. there is nothing worthwhile there. just move on
Well, I can't find the old posts, perhaps you trashed them. Maybe go check in the dumpster bins?
@LordSupremeChess said in #5:
> Well, I can't find the old posts, perhaps you trashed them. Maybe go check in the dumpster bins?
Don't be mean, they won't be in the dumpster. They will be in the garbage truck.
@PhysChess64 said in #6:
> Don't be mean, they won't be in the dumpster. They will be in the garbage truck.
I am just kidding btw, go to your profile and click forum posts :)
Found it. Thanks to those who posted valuable information.
For the others, I also used to make fun of strangers on the internet.
Beware, time flies and you're getting old.

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