
I’m doing it.

@LordSupremeChess said in #23:
> Bruh... you don’t have a clue about what happened in this story.

Bruh... better than not having a clue about women
@AlexisPERR said in #19:
> Dude I am sorry to break your heart but here is the hard cold truth.
> You are a chess player so I expect you to use your brain.
> You have described Grace as "extremely beautiful" so she is 2500 SMVELO
> You have described yourself as unable to speak to women, so you are 400 SMVELO
> There is no way you can beat her at this point.
I'll save you a tech support call: Throwing your phone on your laptop will probably make both of them LESS decipherable
@clousems said in #35:
> #33:
> I'll save you a tech support call: Throwing your phone on your laptop will probably make both of them LESS decipherable
Bruh... but why did he have to insult me like that?
@LordSupremeChess said in #21:

Email sucks for this sort of thing. Because you don't know if she even saw it. Maybe it for some reason ended in her spam folder, maybe she got 20 emails at the same time and lost it in the crowd or what not. Or maybe she saw it but couldn't answer because they have a bad bout of diarrhea in her house due to bad shrimps, so she has that to deal with first.

So give it a rest for like 4-5 days and then ask her "hey did you see my mail?"

Just talk to her IRL. This way you get an answer faster :)

Anyway it was good you took a shot! You need to move the pieces in order to go somewhere.
@LordSupremeChess said in #36:
> Bruh... but why did he have to insult me like that?

Well, you HAVE been looking for specific real-time dating advice from nameless strangers on a chess website's forum section, which does suggest some unfamiliarity with the whole dating thing. The only worse place for dating advice would be an island full of marooned Spanish pirates.

Try asking people more familiar to you for advice (although, in fairness, this advice is itself coming to you from an established internet chess player, so keep that in mind).
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #37:
> Email sucks for this sort of thing. Because you don't know if she even saw it. Maybe it for some reason ended in her spam folder, maybe she got 20 emails at the same time and lost it in the crowd or what not. Or maybe she saw it but couldn't answer because they have a bad bout of diarrhea in her house due to bad shrimps, so she has that to deal with first.
> So give it a rest for like 4-5 days and then ask her "hey did you see my mail?"
> Just talk to her IRL. This way you get an answer faster :)
> Anyway it was good you took a shot! You need to move the pieces in order to go somewhere.
But... the email was for asking her if we could talk during lunch tomorrow... I don’t have 4-5 days.

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