
Best move here?

Best move here?

Don't look at Stockfish and cheat.

If you think you have it, explain why...
kick the bishop with the e pawn, it's the one thing that's stopping checkmate, if it goes to e3 than kick it again with f4, if it goes to g1 be2 is mate
ooo that's cool, didn't see that - it works but is about 5 moves slower than the answer because there are spite blocks in that route.
0-0-0 to bring the rook and attack take the Bishop and do a Mate.
@Kavin_Vijay said in #4:
> 0-0-0 to bring the rook and attack take the Bishop and do a Mate.
Which is the difference on playing Rd8 without castle?
With the castle, the rook is free to move to the h file: Rdh8. Rooks belong connected. (Except when they don't.)

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