
Chess Teaching - Example Positions

I am going to be teaching a beginner's level chess class this fall, and as a part, I am going to teach a section on basic tactics. I was wondering if anyone knew a realistic position that could be used to demonstrate Forks, Discovered Attacks, Pins, and Skewers. It takes a significant amount of time to set up each position, and so saving time by having only one to setup would be amazing. Thanks for the help!
I'm sure you can come up with something by yourself. Forget about discovered attacks, that's not beginners stuff.
If theyre really beginners, you should start with how the pieces move.
There are so many chess books that are available for this. But as you mentioned they are beginners, you have to teach them some tactics by giving them puzzles in the beginning (kids love to solve them) They will apply those in games themselves. After sometime you can teach them about development, openings etc.
If you go here:

You see: Lichess games and puzzles are released under the Creative Commons CC0 license.
Use them for research, commercial purpose, publication, anything you like.
You can download, modify and redistribute them, without asking for permission.

LiChess has a massive quantity of excellent puzzles of the motifs you're looking for. You can use them for your class.

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