
The "First & Last" Game

Aw, don’t be shy! I’ll bet some of you know a few of these.

On another note, I just realized that #12 should start with an opening quotation mark: ”Where’s Papa going / both. In my copy of the book, it’s a large, decorative dropped capital W without the quotation mark, but in plain text it should have that punctuation.
I'll guess that #8 (In a hole) is The Hobbit. I know #1 #2 #11, but I'll let others speak up. I have a few wild guesses for the others but I don't want to embarrass myself. :)

Edit: For the book starting with "It is a truth", I have a feeling I'm going to kick myself when I hear the answer.
Yesss, you got The Hobbit correct, @Frogster64! That's good that you know #1, 2 and 11. Let's see if others will be able to get any.

How about if I reveal two more words for #4 so that maybe you won't have to kick yourself: It is a truth universally acknowledged / uniting them.
@rachel8 said in #13:
> It is a truth universally acknowledged / uniting them.

Thanks! That sentence sounds familiar but I don't know which book it's from. :(
Here are the answers. Thanks for being a good sport and giving it a shot, @Frogster64!

1. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
2. Winnie-the-Pooh
3. The Secret Garden
4. Pride and Prejudice
5. Animal Farm
6. Macbeth
7. Little Women
8. The Hobbit
9. Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There
10. Robinson Crusoe
11. The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince, in the original)
12. Charlotte’s Web
I got 1, 2, 6 and 10 (but for some reason thought that 4 was Anna Karenina). And admittedly should've gotten 5 (from the last part)...
Okay, here comes the SciFi Edition! :D (Oh yeah, and the most recent of these dates from 1977...if that helps any.)

1) He was 170 days dying/ await the awakening.

2) One minute it was Ohio winter/ from the rippling water.

3) Once a guy stood all day shaking bugs/ to Thanksgiving.

4) No one would have believed in the last years of the 19th century/ among the dead.

5) So then I have to go downtown to the university/ Until I die again, hello, hello, hello, hello.

6) "Swift death awaits the first cow/ Her arm slid around his neck.

7) The first attempt to send a rocket to the moon/ a universe he'd really settle for.

8) One winter shortly before the Six Weeks War my tomcat/ You know, I think he is right.

9) As I dressed that morning I ran over in my mind/ It didn't take that long.

10) The volcano that had reared Taratua up from the Pacific depths/ presently he turned his back upon the dwindling Sun.
I'm currently reading

2) One minute it was Ohio winter/ from the rippling water.

But haven't finished all its sentences yet. so you ruined the ending for me! hahaha
This is tough. Is #2 "The Martian Chronicles"? I have a guess for #4 and am embarrassed about my overall sci-fi ignorance. Maybe someone else will be able to contribute and cover for the rest of us.