
Why Meat is the Real Natural Food

Healthy meat like hunted animals can't cause cancer but commercial meat bought in markets and supermarkets does cause cancer. Especially Processed Meats. If you can raise chickens and rabbits in your land in an organic way, it's healthy foods
erm you might want to read this bit of medical advice before you eat red meat or scoff a muck donald
Colon cancer
Also known as: colorectal cancer
Three primary options for treatment are radiation, chemotherapy and surgery.
Foods to eat:

Low-fat high-fiber diet – fruits and vegetables
Antioxidants – kidney beans, goji berries, wild berries
Foods to avoid:

High fat fast foods
Red meat

taken from this link
its up to you op if you want to stubbornly hold to your view but its blinkered if you do not also see other viewpoints isnt it
It's alright OP to debate on meats. I am as bored aa you 😜
Also, most plants that we consider "natural" never existed until a relative few years ago. There were no carrots or potatoes or growing wild, not the nice kind you find in the supermarket. Same with apples and most fruits, most of which were bitter until they were genetically engineered. All these plant foods are the result of the gentetic engineering of wild plants to make them way bigger than their "natural" state.

Even given that, if you tried to live off just these plant foods, the best and most luscious fruits and vegetables, your health would soon wither and you'd die. Plus you'd gag at every meal of raw uncooked "natural" plants.

But you can live off nothing but meat for your whole life, and be healthy and strong.
Colon cancer? How did the Indians eat nothing but buffalo for thousands of years and escape colon cancer?

As for studies that seem to show a correlation between meat and cancer, they are flawed:

"One of the first epidemiologic evidence about the association between red meat and CRC risk is the demonstration of correlation between per capita meat intake and incidence of colon cancer in women from 23 countries in 1975.6 Correlation was strong (r=0.9) for meat consumption in this study. Correlation does not mean causation of course, many different international lifestyle factors than red meat intake can contribute to this result,." -- NIH website

Indeed. ALL the studies that purport direct causation of colon cancer from meat do not take into account other dietary and lifestyle factors. There has never been a study that shows a conclusive correlation between meat-eating and cancer.

These health experts that told us meat causes cancer are the same ones that told us cigarettes are safe, margarine is better than butter, low-fat foods are good for health, don't eat salt....over and over again they've been wrong.

These are the same "experts" that told us that plant seed oils are good for us. Quiz: which 2 nations cook with plant seed oils the most? India and China. Guess which 2 nations lead the world in diabetes? India and China.

The ancient native people understood that RED meat is healthy, essential to eat. And they did not have high rates of any type of cancer. The great experts at NIH have no explanation for this. but some people bow to them as gods, as they do to Fauci today.
A fantastic doctor explains the real story about the rumors surrounding Red Meat and Cancer Risk:

Like a certain virus, mm, a lot of hype.

Speaking of viruses, 78% who died of the lastest one were obese. A carnivore diet reverses obesity, thus greatly reducing the risk of virus morbidity.

I'm sorry I can't say the actual name of the virus, but as you know we don't live in a free society really. I must simply obey the leaders.

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