
Was Nalvany murdered?

Imprisoned in a penal colony in the Arctic Circle. Malnourished. Likely beaten and tortured. Possibly poisoned, again. It is difficult to think otherwise.
Putin personally tore off Navalny's blood clot. The tyrant will pay for this!
@Alex_Muezersky said in #6:
> Putin personally tore off Navalny's blood clot. The tyrant will pay for this!
We need to call Adrian Monk for this Navalny case.
Дорога и конфликт пешеходов с водителями?
@Alex_Muezersky said in #6:
> Putin personally tore off Navalny's blood clot. The tyrant will pay for this!
Yes funny how only in special places like Russia do all of the political rivals of the leadership magically die, must be like a special item you pick up when you become commisar like in an rpg, starting with Stalin
When did the fraudster Navalny seriously claim power in Russia? Do not overestimate this insignificant person. Interest in Navalny in Russia is close to zero. By the way, Navalny's problems with the law began even before he began his "political career." And now the fugitive liberals have declared the criminal, who died in prison, a "fighter against the regime."

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