
Can you make a feature to block certain flags/countries in advance?

If lichess is meant to be a pleasant environment then why bring politics to this site? (fridays for future actions, nazi-belarus flags).
Doesnt seem right to me. I have asked this in a forum topic but as usual critique is not allowed, topics close before they start or are moderated in totalitarian style.

Well and good. But if you are gonna allow those flags at least give us the option to block such players in advance.
There is no such thing as a community without politics. There is a delicate balance platform moderators have to define when they allow or limit certain expressions of the individual. I don't know much about the Belarus flag though, is there a Nazi-Belarus flag on the site or is it just the Belarus flag that is conflated with Nazism?
If I had to guess, your original thread might have been closed because it could be read to mean that Belarusians are Nazis.

I was curious about your post and did a little research.

So the flag that is available on Lichess (if you select Belarus as your country) is the official flag. The flag that is associated with Belarus during the Nazi occupation doesn't seem to be an option.
@StingerPuzzles I am using chrome. @rk27 it's by association and historical use. @glbert I don't choose to think that it's the thing that I think about first when seeing that flag for good reason. No need to make things personal.

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