
What kind of opening should I try?

Well basically, the best opening is that you know on the first opening which is...that you didn't learn but what you want to learn of the chess openings is your favorite one.
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"... You should play the simpler and more adventurous openings, from which you will learn how to use the pieces. Much later on you can go on to the more difficult openings - if you play them now you won't understand what you are doing ... Play the openings beginning [1 e4 e5]. ... if you haven't learnt how to play the open game you won't be able to use positional advantage even if you are able to get it. ..." - C. H. O'D. Alexander and T. J. Beach (1963)
Try all of the common and reputable openings. Learning how to play all kinds of different middle game structures will help your game in the long run. This is why something like the London System is a bad idea. Yes it will allow you to rack up wins because it will become familiar to you quickly, but in the long run you’ll be depriving yourself of the opportunity to learn so many different structures. I fear that learning something like the London (as an example) will lead to a premature plateau.
Pick e4 or d4 as white, and learn one response to each as white. Don't be afraid to change it up, if you're not afraid of losing ~5% of games due to opening traps you couldn't see.
My dear, I tell You how I did it... I just played, sometimes with White e4, d4, even c4, then I started 1.Nf3 and most positions, which came after this move were totally fine for me to play. I cannot tell same about starting game with other first moves.

With black absolutely the same, first I managed to find some moves, which were within my comfort zone, then I found out that those moves have name in opening books :) so I was playing Pirc deffence (my favorite), sometimes French (I find it complicated), and now my new favorite is Sicilian.

Seeing Your rating I would say You are beginner, and for You most important is to learn play chess, rather than sitting in front of opening diagrams and memorizing, that if second move is this, then I go there there or there, if not then I do this and so on...

Puzzles, tactics, mate in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, bit of endgames, GMs middlegame videos, even short analysis of the games and there You go, You will be 2000 rated before You know it :)
@royce62812 said in #1:
"the best opening is that you know on the first opening "


If you don't know what opening to play go for the London System.
@pointlesswindows said in #8:
> "the best opening is that you know on the first opening "
> what?
> If you don't know what opening to play go for the London System.
If you are that annoyed by bad grammar, why don't you start giving free English lessons. The only caveat is that no parent would send their child to an impulsive 12 year old. I will make your life easier:

While we are at this topic, you are missing a comma before the after "play".

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