
Jonnyx's Study

1 • Jonnyx •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Jonnyx

🔥 The Nakhmanson Gambit

1197 • Jonnyx •
  1. Introduction
  2. Nakhmanson Gambit accepted 8... Ke8
  3. zolpi (2320) - jsorel32 (2381)
  4. david_gomez (2578) - darkhorse_98 (2593)
  1. Jonnyx

🔥 Famous Opening Traps and how to avoid them

3445 • Jonnyx •
  1. Introduction
  2. Traps in the Open Games
  3. #01 Blackburne Shilling Trap
  4. #02 The Légal Trap
  1. Jonnyx

Tactics in the Jobava London System you should know

146 • Jonnyx •
  1. #1 Jobava - Quparadze
  2. #2 Johnke - Alvermann
  3. #3 Stefanova - Zhao
  4. #4 Johnke - Lehmann
  1. Jonnyx

Train your tactical motives: Fork/Double Attack

6 • Jonnyx •
  1. What is a Double Attack / Fork?
  2. Fork Examples: Pawn / Knight / Bishop
  3. Fork Examples: Rook / Queen / King
  4. Training Example #1 - Medium
  1. Jonnyx