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307 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Continue the story 2!#34

Magnus and Nakamura did a peace agreement to join forces against Garry Kasparov: the new president of Russia.

Off-Topic Discussion - Continue the story 2!#31

Magnus Carlsen challenges everybody for a chess game, who defeats him, wins a carrot farm.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is chess better than sex?#43

Only if you're mating with Hillary Clinton

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is chess better than sex?#42

It's not.

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#53

@MIHIR_KATTI I guess that they found evident of ancient microbial life, not living now.

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#39

@Marakuya Because it's quite difficult. Mars is, on average, 140 million miles away from the Earth. Imagine how much time would you spend in space, with 0 gravity, feeding yourself. Months and months.…

Off-Topic Discussion - Space Mirrors could create earth like haven on Mars#11

If we keep slowly developing, slowly improving... In 450.000 years, there will be a star 30x closer than proxima centauri to us. If we are, by that time, alive, living on Earth, expanded to Mars, to t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Space Mirrors could create earth like haven on Mars#1

Off-Topic Discussion - Are there any video-games that explore the concept of human space colonization?#13

@HiramHolliday do you believe in what you said, or you're just trolling? Cause it's quite easy to acknowledge that NASA really did that.

Off-Topic Discussion - Are there any video-games that explore the concept of human space colonization?#10

I truly appreciate your support and game advices! Thank you!! ^^ I was wondering if there is a game in between our discoveries and these interstellar games, some game that involves Venus, Earth, Moon,…
