
Search "user:schoolchessguy"

5 forum posts
Game analysis - Best Antichess games#1

Post your best antichess games where your opponent made a mistake where 20 or so moves later you win from it. No way out. After 10 applicants we will vote. Say what move the opponents mistake is. Mine…

Lichess Feedback - Petition: Artificially increasing or lowering other people's rating or ranking should be labelable#6

#4 has a good point still, you could have 2 email accounts and it would be hard to detect that.

General Chess Discussion - Should ½ chess have it's own catogory?#22

This is all true but then someone could say that 30+0 isn't the same as 10+0.

General Chess Discussion - Should ½ chess have it's own catogory?#16

To do this we would have to restart all bullet ratings but it is an idea

General Chess Discussion - lutetium simul#1

Killerkaz is throwing a simulation and we want 41 players to break the record.
