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2392 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#10

Conventional theory has shortcoming that it compiled by human analysis which by necessity means it is limited. It must assume some fixed procedure to be analyzable. While backtracking from end positio…

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#9

8/2Nr4/4Kp2/4pN2/4Pk2/8/8/8 w - - 0 53 the position I saw on boad and table base gives Kxd7 as winning move. in actual game hitting win Kn is drawn.

Lichess Feedback - Move Time Limit#2

must have connection a connection failure. Are you did not see connection failure notification.

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#6

no it is not a draw. higly academic issued but 7 piece table base says it is winnable it really is. In practice far and few between can really win this

General Chess Discussion - AI assistants and Chess cheating#13

@Kartoffelfork said in #11: > If I ask chatGPT to give me a formula to summon ghosts it refutes, due to that it's not a thing to joke with and it could harm the feelings of people. That property of th…

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#4

endgame table bases do not have bugs due to method they are compiled. Or they would have a lots of bugs. Building table is pretty simple backtracking algorithm. For sheer fun of it i clicked trough th…

General Chess Discussion - AI assistants and Chess cheating#10

@sausage4mash said in #6: > The real issue is that AI will be ever-present and easily accessible, ushering in a new era of casual cheating. Players will essentially have a grandmaster on their shoulde…

General Chess Discussion - AI assistants and Chess cheating#5

ai assistance chess has been available longer that online chess has existed. AI assitance beyond GM level has existed at leat 20 years. Recent AI innovations offer nothing new to picture.

General Chess Discussion - Your thoughts about Immortal Game?#7

without looking at the site whole NFT thing is just a huge scam and will disappear one day

General Chess Discussion - Wrong result given#5

lichess follows in this respect FIDE rules. uses USCF rules as model hence the difference
