
Search "user:mkubecek"

1015 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Elo#5

@ZugzwangZealoth2790 said in #3: > the way you answer to me was quite rude You may not like it but FIDE ELO of 1441 really isn't a sign of being "good in chess". And I'm saying that as someone whose i…

General Chess Discussion - Elo#4

@petri999 said in #2: > Like blitz 1500 typically has rapid rating 1700. I don't think it can be generalized like this. I'm pretty sure that if I dared to try it, my difference would be much higher. O…

General Chess Discussion - This puzzle has more than one way to checkmate the king.#2

If you meant 35... Qh3+ 36. gxh3 Rh1#, the problem is that after 36. Kxh3 black doesn't really have an easy way to force a checkmate. E.g. Rh1+ is handled by Bh2 and Bf5+ by Kh2. @Jarthdreki said in #…

General Chess Discussion - Castling is over-rated; occasionally useful#8

There is some grain of truth here, though. I've seen/heard it mentioned on multiple occasions that there is indeed a trend among strong players to delay castling more than it used to be common in the …

Lichess Feedback - missing pieces#2

Check if you haven't accidentally switched on the blind mode (like others who have asked exactly the same before you).

General Chess Discussion - Why am I losing games?#3

Until 4 hours ago, your rating was still "provisional" and even now your ratind deviation is still almost 100. Which mean that you should not overestimate such high jumps as your earlier rating wasn't…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle #zzSEZ, are there 2 solutions?#3

While it's not obvious why the position at the end of the "official line" evaluates somewhere around -2.5 and the position at the end of the "alternative line" around +2.5 (not obvious to me, that is)…

General Chess Discussion - OTB Tournament Preparation#19

One practical problem with videorecording is that in bigger tournaments there is not enough space around most boards where the camera could be placed in a way that it can record the board well while n…

Lichess Feedback - Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more#47

In my case it's "just" a matter of reaching the game rating of 1800 so I hope it's not going to be "forever". (OK, there is also a possibility that I reach puzzle rating of 2700 first but that doesn't…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess#8

The fact that advices are different from what you want to hear doesn't mean they are bad. You seem to be stubbornly aborting any game as soon as you see a four digit number. Why? You win against a 993…
