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4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Issues with lichess app and computer analysis#5

@schlawg ok I realise now that I could just run this on any of my existing games... For some reason I can't recreate the issue now - Possibly clearing the cache sorted the problem...

Lichess Feedback - Issues with lichess app and computer analysis#4

Thank you @schlawg , will try that next time.

Lichess Feedback - Issues with lichess app and computer analysis#2

I have worked out since that I can get the analysis back by clearing my lichess cookies. Not sure why that works or if this is something that lichess can influence/change so that the cookie clearing i…

Lichess Feedback - Issues with lichess app and computer analysis#1

I finished a game and I ran the computer analysis from the lichess app. However when I go into the game on the website the computer analysis does not appear. Is there a…
