
Search "user:Tipp-Kick"

32 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Am I chatbanned?#14

Ask him what you want and he will reply.

Lichess Feedback - Bring back the correspondence top 200?#14

I suggest, to allow officially using engine in correspondence games, because on the official ICCF server you always are allowed to use it. The point behind is to let grow your opening knowledge by fig…

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Lichess Feedback - NoJoke Account Bug#13

No, but now i did, and again its "NoJoke" displayed.

Lichess Feedback - NoJoke Account Bug#11

Here also, the inbox nick is written as "NoJoke" on my end. The thumbs down on this question probably mean that its correctly displayed on their end too.

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Lichess Feedback - Bots Violating Lichess Terms of Service#6

Rating doesnt matter. We play chess. Note to the outter online Chess World. Thanks.

General Chess Discussion - Fat Fritz 2 is a rip-off#175

It doesnt matter which top engine we use to like 99.5% of the worlds players. I suppose even stockfish 8 latest version is enough to get enough analysing help even for grandmasters. So who cares? I li…
