
Search "user:Oyek"

7 forum posts
Game analysis - Did I play the endgame wrong?#1 I don't know what I did wrong. Seems fine up to the middlegame-endgame transition, but for some reason, I couldn't push a win.

General Chess Discussion - Am I playing this improved Queen's Indian wrong??#1

Hello. So apparently, the Dutch Defense and the Queen's Indian are closely related. I play the classical Dutch now as a response to d4. (sometimes as white, too) The formation mainly goes f5, Nf6, e6,…

General Chess Discussion - Is there any opening for White with thematic f4 pawn breaks?#1

Just that. Are there openings for White with f5 pawn breaks like Black in the King's Indian Defense. Also, please include the proper piece setup if there is.

Off-Topic Discussion - Just finished Chapter 5 of my Chess webnovel o(≧▽≦)o!!#3

I'm 1400, pls don't judge...

Off-Topic Discussion - Just finished Chapter 5 of my Chess webnovel o(≧▽≦)o!!#1 Pls give a read UwU

Game analysis - Is this an endgame easy to draw for pros?#1

White to move. White pieces: pawn on a2 & g6, King on b2, Rg1, Bf2 Black pieces: pawns a7, b6, c5, f6, h6, Kg8, Re7 Both players are professional level: either both GM's, or atleast both 2800+ What ar…

General Chess Discussion - An anime chess webnovel?#1

Hello guys. I'm writing a manga-like sports novel about chess and have uploaded 4 chapters so far. Would love to hear your thoughts. Link:
