
Search "user:Abhijeet179"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - My account data has gone for no reason#9

@MentalFugues said in #5: > Some games from 3 years ago show up . . . > > Selective loss would seem mighty odd. > How are you sure it was this account? Did you have an…

Lichess Feedback - My account data has gone for no reason#8

@Cedur216 said in #4: > Well, it can happen after an excessively long break ... Ohm I see...

Lichess Feedback - My account data has gone for no reason#7

@glbert said in #6: > ok. i was just asking because i have seen that happen before. people coming back after some break and not remembering what their main account is. and there is @Abhijeet_179, just…

Lichess Feedback - My account data has gone for no reason#3

@glbert said in #2: > did it? or do you confuse this account with a different one? No, I am sure it was this account only

Lichess Feedback - My account data has gone for no reason#1

I have been playing chess since 2020, my rapid rating was near1600 and rapid rating was 1800, then I took a break and was offline for a very long period I came back today, and my all chess history (ga…
