
Search "user:ilariON579"

235 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Беспредел со стороны Lichess#7

@Shaitanama said in #6: > И да... 2 цвета подряд? 5, не 2, а 5! А если бы я играл эти партии, то и 6 могло бы быть. А почему нет? Мне бы такой далгоритм очень помог в казино, но там, к сожалению, ранд…

General Chess Discussion - Беспредел со стороны Lichess#4

Алгоритм работает так, что у тебя должно быть примерно 50% партий белыми и черными. Иногда может попадаться 2 черных цвета (или белых). Если отменять, алгоритм тебя заставит тебя играть черными всё ра…

General Chess Discussion - Who are some famous people that are good at chess?#3

Peter Thiel (founder of PayPal) is a NM.

General Chess Discussion - Petrov or Nc6#7

@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #6: > The Petrov is not drawish, it is only drawish at GM level. Are you a GM? No. So the Petrov isn't drawish. Across all time controls I have played 124 games in the Pe…

General Chess Discussion - Petrov or Nc6#5

It depends on you. If you want comfortable somewhat drawish positon in opening, Petrov suits better. And if you want to play for a win while having a safe position Nc6 is your way to go.

Game analysis - Interesting Najdorf Game#8

Saying that someone is sucks at chess by looking at only one online blitz game is completely ridiculuos.

Game analysis - Interesting Najdorf Game#5

@binjetzterstbeimArzt said in #4: > @PseudoBenko its really horrible, thinking about it both players suck. > > I guess its some hidden joke were you Show a game of 1300 players, and pretend they are 2…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Storm Ladder. It is simple just post your Puzzle Rush score#14

57 storm 67 racer 59 streak

Lichess Feedback - Game timed out for me even though I watched the opponents clock time out#3

It was an internet disconnect.

Lichess Feedback - Can you change your Username?#2

No, usernames cannot be changed for technical and practical reasons. Usernames are materialized in too many places: databases, exports, logs, and people's minds. You can adjust the capitalization once…
