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21 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Training evalation is too harsh#10

Check this one c4 is mate in 5 and puzzle failed Qxe6 is mate in 6 and correct

Lichess Feedback - puzzle 23527#1

In puzzle 23527 I see now that Ne7 is quickest mate in 7. However i think the much prettier mate in 10 starting Na7 KxN Kc7 should be given as good move allowing another try as it is an obvious forced…

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Lichess Feedback - puzzle 3504#1

Puzzle 3504 gives 1.c4 as wrong move but it leads to mate 1 move quicker than the "correct" solution.

Lichess Feedback - Virus alert#8

I have no doubt lichess is not trying to download a trojan and never suggested it is, but when i visit the site my virus scanner is giving me an alert, this could be nothing to do with any virus and i…

Lichess Feedback - Virus alert#6

It seems i am getting these alerts again. I have tried now dozens of web sites and not a single alert anywhere else but lichess so i am very sure it has something to do with lichess .

Lichess Feedback - Virus alert#5

My virus scanner released a 2nd update today and after it i stopped getting the alert so it was probably a bug in their earlier update.

Lichess Feedback - Virus alert#4

The message has started appearing again, i restarted browser and tried several webpages with no warning and again got it as soon as i came to lichess, i noticed that my F-secure updated today so proba…

Lichess Feedback - Virus alert#3

I was only on lichess when it appeared, maybe it is false positive? i restared browser and logged back on and no alert this time, just thought i should let you know.
