
Search "user:PinToWin"

15 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - board highlights lagging ?#2

Yeah I have this problem in normal games as well as streams, should i delete cookies or something? Also using chrome, is there a specific problem related to this engine?

Lichess Feedback - Ability to move around pieces in analysis mode#3

Yeah the engine can only analyse normal chess, but if you want to go and analize these variants on your own you can use the board editor, just make sure you save the position/dont close the log.

Lichess Feedback - Demonstration Analysis board feature#2

You have that, just click play vs computer>from position >edit board.

General Chess Discussion - Help me think Chess is not agonizing#3

Change your openings if you don't like positional play. Play open games, gambits, attacking games. Break the center, try to attack early in the game. If you want it to be interesting, you need to risk…

Lichess Feedback - Time during takeback#2

Because the opponent wasted his time without playing, and the extra thinking you get with takebacks is also time that should be deducted. I think it's fair in my opinion, especially in blitz endgame w…
