
Does playing chess make you smarter? Not really

No, people involved in chess sometimes make very bold claims about how chess can help with cognitive abilities, etc. But these claims are for drumming up business. In reality chess is just another mental activity and is probably not any more useful than solving Sudoku or similar puzzles.

Thinking that playing chess makes people smart is like thinking playing basketball makes people tall.
Chess can make you more patient, but I don't know if it makes you smarter lol
I'm conviced that any human organ must be used. Else it becomes stunted. Hence chess doesn't make us smarter but prevents us from becoming dumb and desperate.
Chess is the gym for the body. It might not necessarily make you smarter but it is a workout.
Chess players on average have superior cognitive ability compared with non-chess players.

However just because someone plays chess, or does not play chess does not mean they are smarter or dumber than anyone else.

Intelligence comes in many forms. Just about everyone is retarded in at least one area, and brilliant in another.

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