
I hate lichess puzzle ratinc

The rating is too random, sometimes I gain 5 elo and sometimes 20, and i loose much more points than when i win, even if i'm playing in normal difficulty.
It's probably very difficult to get a puzzle rating system to match playing level ratings in difficulty or even to properly (logically and mathematically) match up from puzzle to puzzle. I just accept that puzzle rating is a different beast from Classical rating is a different beast from Rapid rating and so on. They are not really comparable. To me, my puzzle rating is a side issue. I do puzzles to get better at seeing combinations, tactics and patterns so I can better at chess itself. So unless sophisticated probability algorithms are introduced to rate puzzles we will have to accept there's a lot of "noise" in the puzzle rating.

Just my two cents worth. I do not pretend to be an expert in chess, puzzles or statistics.

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