
New Puzzles are here!

Oh one more thing, this update released me from Android lichess puzzle limbo. Yesterday, no matter what I did, the puzzle on my mobile app always goes back to 61600 or something like that.

This update released me from that limbo!

Now the puzzle refresh button actually works.

So yeah, thanks again!
Can we add to each puzzle a comments section like in the matches? In that way we can learn some from other people.
Yes the puzzle v2 also fixes that long standing mobile app bug! Sorry for the long wait.

I'm not sure about puzzle comments. Seems like a tough thing to moderate, with the number of players lichess has.
Hey thibault! So.. What happend after we get to choose out level? Like when we get a BASIC raiting, what will happen? Btw, Nice update! I hate to ping you but I really want to know, @thibault

And I am sorry to ping you (please people don't get mad at me :( ) And I have no idea if you can see people who metioned you.
I'm so happy!

I don't have a teacher for chess, and by teaching myself I managed to come third in a chess competition - because of all your study's and puzzles.
Thank you so much, maybe I'll manage to come first in a different competition.
I'm very glad. VERY glad. Thank you so much!
Thank you all at Lichess so very much! The new system is absolutely amazing!
I've been thoroughly enjoying the new system. Choosing what you want to work on, and getting paired with actually interesting puzzles has been perfect. I particularly enjoyed the Zugzwang theme.

I tried the interference section and I believe it was programmed incorrectly. To me, interference means the player to move puts a piece between two opponent pieces, interfering with the opponent's defense. is an excellent example of an interference move winning the game. However, lichess is currently programmed so that in a puzzle, via a sequence of forcing moves, forcing your opponent's king to a certain square that "interferes" with another piece defending a third piece qualifies. To me that's not interference. Maybe more of a "remove the defender" type of puzzle. Anyway, beyond that one definition difference, I've thoroughly enjoyed them!

Also, unfortunately, the new system sort of invalidates your puzzle rating for good now. When I'm bored, I'll crush through 50 smothered mate puzzles in a minute. Pretty easy to solve them in a second when you know they're smothered mates. The fact that this affects my puzzle rating doesn't quite make sense to me, but it's all good - puzzle rating never meant anything before anyway.
Thanks for the new features! I have one comment. I've spent some time doing queen endgames and almost all the puzzles consisted on trading queens on the fist move in order to win a pawn endgame. I don't think that's the kind of puzzle useful for learning queen endgame tactics.
Puzzle rating matters. Not because of the number per se, but it is what lichess uses to determine your next puzzle.

I agree with your main point, that solving puzzles by theme makes your main puzzle rating inaccurate.

So I am hoping these mini issues would be sorted out soon.

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