
What do you know about Poland?

79% of its electricity is from fossil fuels, placing it top in the EU. 2nd largest coal mining country in europe. they are EU but bestest friends of america even letting them operate torture detention centers in their country.they lost some land to ukraine.
@mortmann said in #22:
They definitely have a long ways to go with some things, but they are trying in their own way - things are tough there understandably, they've been a step behind for awhile because they've always had to recover from big wars and being dominated by belligerent neighboring states... and haven't gotten amazing support either in recovery like Germany... definitely bad circumstances often.
@salmon_rushdie said in #23:
> They definitely have a long ways to go with some things, but they are trying in their own way - things are tough there understandably, they've been a step behind for awhile because they've always had to recover from big wars and being dominated by belligerent neighboring states... and haven't gotten amazing support either in recovery like Germany... definitely bad circumstances often.

yes. its really a pity. as child i wondered, why after 2 world wars, would anyone allow germany to continue to exist. and even to militarize again and send troops into other countries again, while countries like poland are mainly... "forgotten". i guess in the end it doesnt matter, poland or germany, both are just kinda puppets/tools between the superpowers.
I know some about it, including the Polish-Soviet war, some food, and information on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
The notion that Poland is at fault for starting WWII is breathtakingly, flabbergastingly, disconcertingly false.

Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to divide up Poland (see, the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, which was partly concealed from the world), and the Germans commenced a surprise attack on Poland on September 1, 1939.

Prisoners were shot by the Germans and dressed up to look like Poles, and then their bodies were scattered around to try to make it look as if Poles had started the attacks. Almost nobody was fooled, although I guess some were. The Germans had been massing on the border long in advance of the day.

Surprise attack, with the ATTACKER trying to pretend it was the fault of the victims. Fortunately, only some were fooled, as I noted. We should always learn from history, lest we keep repeating it and get fooled by some surprise attacker pretending that the victim of the surprise attack is at fault.
"What" is questionable, @MIHIR_KATTI ?

Are you saying it is questionable that the Nazis attacked Poland on September 1, 1939, and that the Germans and Soviets had previously planned together to just split up Poland between themselves?

If so, that's not remotely questionable. It's easily-verified history. Don't believe me. Please check, by resorting to genuine, authoritative sources.

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