
How fast can you type?

Words per minute (WPM) 84
Keystrokes 440
(419 | 21)
Correct words 79
Wrong words 4
You are better than 94.41% of all users (position 10236 of 183005 - last 24 hours)
Words per minute (WPM) 99
Keystrokes 524
(493 | 31)
Correct words 99
Wrong words 5
You are better than 97.57% of all users (position 4448 of 183096 - last 24 hours)
On I usually get only 70-85 wpm.

Words per minute (WPM) 94
Keystrokes 482
(471 | 11)
Correct words 86
Wrong words 2
You are better than 96.79% of all users (position 5877 of 183184 - last 24 hours)
WPM: 54
Keystrokes: 276 (271 | 5)
Correct words: 53
Wrong words: 1

You are better than 80.07% of all users (position 36335 of 182310 - last 24 hours)
I´d do a bit better on second try. The scrolling was annoying. :) 70 wpm, 89.53%.
51 words on chill mode
still i dont type correct with my right hand ( maybe i should re learn some day :)
How does everyone type so fast? People at my school get 14WMP,
26% percent better than other users. HOW I ASK, HOW?
Words per minute (WPM) 65
Keystrokes 342
(327 | 15)
Correct words 60
Wrong words 3
You are better than 85.57% of all users (position 22998 of 159323 - last 24 hours)

I feel I could do better if they were actual sentences. My brain gets confused when they're all random words like that and it makes my hands sort of hesitate to type.

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