
How to improve at bullet (Help with training tips)

I am often too slow when it comes to playing bullet; taking an extra second or two on a lot of moves kills me. Case in point:

This problem is easy to recognize but I find it hard to train myself to play faster. Does anybody have any tips or exercises they did to help increase their bullet speed? I tried the lichess coordinates trainer (I score in the 30's) but I am open to suggestions. I think my opponents play bullet-moves better and more often than me.

Of course, getting better at bullet shouldn't be a priority (probably would damage my OTB chess) but losing on time a bit less would be refreshing.
Here's some advice: move during the opponent's turn.
move to france so that you get 5ping
it seems that you are trying too hard to play good moves, specially nearing the end. that doesn't mean you should just play random garbage from the beginning, just that the relationship between time remaining and how good your moves should be is a tough thing to get a feel for :D

example: game 1 last moves. you talk about how you get the d-file and then the seventh, though your opponent is clearly not caring at all about these considerations, and indeed there is no place for such considerations.
you have ~7 seconds on the clock. what you have to actually think about is that no one is going to get checkmated in that time with fairly even material, so it's time to dish out the "random" moves. you took over 3 seconds for 25 Ra5, when you should have had it in your mind to play literally any rook move, and do it in less than a second.

good luck :D
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For bullet, bitch please.
Watch the chessbrahs crush noobs like us! :P

Eric Hansen & Aman ~~~~

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