
Rule with puzzle streaks?

I've been working on a puzzle streak, it was at i think 61-62. Left it for a few days due to other hobbies and today it was reset?? Sad :/ but is there like a thing that if I leave it alone for too long it just resets? I think i didn't touch it for about a week. I was thinking of doing it on stream as well but i don't wanna do something if it's going to be reset if i leave it unattended, so I'm just curious here, thanks!
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@MrPushwood very depressing :/ at least I got past 38, and my intentions with the 60 was I was trying to go for a long streak, like 200 :) just gotta start over which is tragic.
"at least I got past 38"

Yes, that was my point (try developing a sense of humor for a change).
There was a period of time a few weeks ago where those puzzle modes were bugged and only giving super easy puzzles.

Because of that bug, all of the high scores from that time have been reset.

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