
Help us translate a few time-related words in your language

Hi everyone,

Recently we have been contributing to translating the time library which is used on lichess. There are a few words like "days", "months" etc. which are currently not being translated to several language and are shown in English instead.

I will share below the list of languages where the translation is *already done*:

- [x] Basque (eu)
- [x] Bulgarian (bg)
- [x] Catalan (ca)
- [x] Czech (cs)
- [x] Danish (da)
- [x] Finnish (fi)
- [x] German (de)
- [x] Greek (el)
- [x] Hindi (hi)
- [x] Hungarian (hu)
- [x] Spanish (es)
- [x] French (fr)
- [x] Hebrew (he)
- [x] Italian (it)
- [x] Japanese (ja)
- [x] Kazakh (kk)
- [x] Dutch (nl)
- [x] Norwegian (no)
- [x] Norwegian Norsk (nn)
- [x] Polish (pl)
- [x] Portuguese (pt)
- [x] Romanian (ro)
- [x] Russian (ru)
- [x] Slovak (sk)
- [x] Swedish (sv)
- [x] Turkish (tr)
- [x] Ukrainian (uk)

If you speak a language which is not in this list and which exists on lichess, you can help us translate the word in your language. Please post here or dm me for more info.

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